We have a single tier pricing module to support your investment journey with MIDF Invest.
Other fees:
You will only need to pay the brokerage, stamp duty, custodian fee, and SEC clearing fee. We do not charge for cash transfers between your bank account and the platform, dividend payment service and maintenance.
The applicable rate for stamp duty is:
The stamp duty will be calculated based on the investment amount’s equivalent value in Ringgit Malaysia.
The stamp duty legally binds all the contract notes every time you transact with us, both for Malaysia and U.S. investments. The amount is determined by and payable to the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN).
There is no waiver for stamp duty fee. The stamp duty legally binds all the contract notes every time you transact with us, both for Malaysia and U.S. investments. The amount is determined by and payable to the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN).